Why You Should See Your Chiropractor in The Winter


It’s getting chilly out there, so we want to make sure our bodies are functioning at their best during the winter! Here are a couple tips on why chiropractic is more important than ever when the temperatures start to drop:


Cold Weather and Joint Pain

A lot of us who are already experiencing joint pain, be it neck stiffness, achy knees, or shoulder soreness, know that the cold weather can lead to further pain and increased problems. A major reason this occurs is barometric or atmospheric pressure. When the air gets colder, the fluid we have in every single joint in our body (known as synovial fluid) moves less freely. Usually, it acts as a lubricant that helps each joint function properly, but the cold temperature causes each joint to slightly stiffen up. Chiropractic care helps keep these joints moving properly and may help prevent overuse injuries from occurring, such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, or joint sprains and muscle strains.


Cold Weather and Inactivity

There’s a reason that one of the most common New Year’s resolutions is joining a gym or losing weight—we’ve been sitting inside on the couch for the past few months “hibernating!” When it’s cold outside, it can be even harder to find the motivation to get up and exercise. This lack of movement and inactivity can lead to increased weight and increased injuries. Increased weight adds extra stress on our joints and spine while injuries can cause even further inactivity while healing and recovering. Regular chiropractic adjustments will help keep your body performing properly which may help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.


What You Should Do

If you’ve ever been interested in trying chiropractic, this could be the best time. Don’t wait until the new year when these cold weather injuries may have already happened. Make sure your body is performing properly by allowing your spine and joints to move in their normal ranges of motion. Regular chiropractic care helps decrease nerve interference by correcting and reducing structural misalignments in our body. We wouldn’t expect our car to work correctly without proper alignment, why would that be any different with our bodies? It’s easier to prevent injuries than heal them. Let’s be proactive this winter; your joints will thank you!